Aural is transcendence, the transformation of the consciousness of nature into our auditive spectrum.

By exploring the cognitive senses of plants through the connection of electronic instruments and their translation into a musical experience, the project brings the audience closer to the philosophy of intelligence beyond human life.

Awareness and respect for the environment – Aural is about altering the consciousness through sonic expression, by falling into a meditative state of mind, to finally reconnect in symbiosis with mother nature.

“By attaching small sensors to his own plants and routing the ensuing signals to synthesizers, Gabriele Beretti is quite literally telling us what the trees have to say. Using the plants as his root material, Beretti crafts elegant ambient drone that sounds something like what would have happened if Jóhann Jóhannsson and early Haunt Me-era Tim Hecker ever collaborated.
But it’s drone with a twist: the small perturbations and variations not induced by hand but by slight shifts in a plant’s electrical activity.  In a music industry that is increasingly inundated by laptop producers, Beretti has taken an interesting step back and gotten as analog as you can possibly get. It’s a compelling concept, to be sure, one that your writer has certainly fallen for.
We’ve invited AURAL to answer a few questions about his project.”

CLICK to read full Interview via  MNMT.no
